
Heading South

Leesville was a bum trip, but atleast I finished. As soon as the road got bumpy I got gapped for a second and that was all she wrote. Bumped along for 30 miles, then hammered the smoother roads and finished in 3:17. Not horrible...who am I kidding I was over half an hour behind the winner. But to be honest my impetus was thrown out the door once I was off the back.

Seems like I've been getting worse and skinnier since my last treatment. To make matters worse the 3rd wave of treatments starts July 19th. I'm trying to find the legs for Watsonville next weekend.

This getting boring. Maybe I need to toss in some pictures.

Okay those are lame too, my life isn't really all that comical. Frequent hospital visits and long clinic waits are exactly going to win me last comic standing. Atleast it hasn't been oppressively hot this summer, unless...

If only Vegas had ladies this hot all this time, not just fat tourists.

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