
Just digits to me.

Actually 101010 is 42. Har Har Har....

I feel I am slowly progressing.  Still basking in the Fresno St demolition at the hands of the Warriors last, my legs weren't feeling all that chipper this morning.  I ignored it and headed out to the mountains.  Had to traverse the always obnoxious Lexington dam path with the hundreds of early morning weekend warriors who probably just go to a buffet and waste the 200-300 calories they burned walking in the dirt.  Along the paved dam road a strange event occurred.   So many bugs here and one flies into my mouth, and OUCH! Spit a bee out then spit the stinger into my hand.  Oh great, thankfully I don't get much of a reaction to bee stings (I'm awesome like that...superior genetics)  While it stung for a while I trudge on, and up Old Santa Cruz highway at a decent but still below my desired pace.  I continue up to Bear Creek, help out a lost driver, and decide to go to Boulder Creek. I figure I had the time.  Uneventful from here, just me plugging away, with my bent dérailleur hanger not allowing me to go below my 53X15 (junior gearing?).

Here's my ride on the awesome Strava app: http://www.strava.com/rides/200101#

I say awesome too much. But not as much as the Miz (I need that shirt)

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